Thursday, April 12, 2012


My darling Caroline, or "CHUBBY" as Savannah calls her.  She loves bath time.
 Our wonderful small town of Horseshoe Bend has an annual Easter Egg hunt for kids of all ages.  Savannah was in her own section with the other three year-olds.  She was quick and successful.
 Emery also did well with the other Kindergarten kids.  He even won a soccer ball.
 Aunt Cassidy got to be the Easter Bunny and everyone loved her, including Natalie.
 Easter Morning
 Caroline wasn't sure what was going on, but she liked it.
 Savannah was so happy hunt for eggs full of lots of candy.
 Natalie LOVES new shoes, a true girl.
 We found Emery a great bow tie, to complete his super cuteness.
We had a fast indoor egg hunt (thanks to all of the rain and mud outside), and then a wonderful time at church, followed by a nice ham dinner with Grandpa Flake and Cassidy.  It was nice.  As crazy as our life is with moving, training for a marathon, feeding seven kids and taking care of an infant...I'm blessed to have this wonderful family to share my life with.

1 comment:

  1. you are an incredibly blessed woman - and fabulous and amazing besides! =)
