Friday, September 14, 2007

The long weekend without Joel

Well since Joel left on Wednesday, the kids have been keeping me pretty busy. I spent Wednesday (before Joel left) picking raspberries with Heather. As soon as I got home, I made my shoe box full of berries into the best jam ever. I can already tell that my 13 jars arn't going to last long. Emery loves it!
Thursday I cleaned the house and spent the evening doing homework and discovering a "secret meeting place" down by the creek. No one is suppossed to know about it, so don't mention that I told you, to my boys. It is pretty cool, except that you have to push your way through the thick brush to get to it. It is so enjoyable to watch my boys explore and pretend together. I never feel like they need to have friends over because they have eachother. I guess that is one of the joys of having lots of kids.
Today I went over to Lynette Robert's house to "do corn". We decided it would be easier to buy, shuck, cook, cut and bag our 50# bags of corn together. It was a big mess, but I think it will be worth it when we are eatting fresh corn in the cold of February. So far I have canned; tomatoes (from my garden), peaches, pears, 3 jams, salsa, corn, and tomato sauce. I still have applesauce and grape juice to go. It is a busy month and my fingernails and totally gone. At least I can say that I am trying to get my years supply of produce.
Well we only have a day and a half until we pick up Joel. I'm sure I will keep busy (I desperately need to mow our lawn and pull weeds). I can't wait to have him home, I hope he loved his Birthday present (of course that will mostly depend on wether or not BYU wins).
Until next time


  1. Melanie--

    Sounds like you are officially starting into fall! I'm glad your boys are doing well (and natalie) and that you are doing well. Good luck with the canning!


  2. You are the hardest worker in the family. I have changed my mind about Joel, though.

  3. How's Preston doing in 2nd grade? Is he learning about how to count money yet?

  4. Sarah,
    What do you mean, "changed your mind about Joel"?
    Preston is doing great in 2nd grade, although he does come home with more homework than Ammon. As for money, he is getting pretty good at counting it all.
