Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I decided it was finally time to change my hair (I have had it long for a LONG time).

Joel and I like it, but my boys keep asking me how long until it grows long again. Oh well, you can't please everyone. My mother-in-law said that it makes me look older. I guess I'm ok with that since I just turned 32 and I am the mother of six kids.

Our little Savannah is sure cute. She loves to smile and make faces at all of us.

I have never had any of my babies smile at such an young age. She has been smiling since she was 2 weeks old. We sure love our newest little girl. Only one month old.


  1. She's adorable! And I personally like your hair. You do look a bit older, but more distinguished. I wish I could pull off short hair. You look great!

  2. You look like your mom.

  3. Love the short hair! Six kids you look great, really whats the secret for keeping it off during pregnancy?

  4. Savannah's a mini-natalie!

  5. Cute pics!! I can't believe how big Savannah is! And your hair looks awesome!! I hope you love it, cuz it looks sooooo good!!
