Friday, March 20, 2009

Science Fair Update

Well I guess all of that hard work paid off, Ammon got 2nd place! He was really excited and even called me from the school to tell me about his second place ribbon. The only problem now is, what to do with the big finished project?
Ammon already informed me that he did not want me to throw it away (Joel refuses to throw any of the kids things away, he prefers letting me do it. Then, when the kids ask about their art, homework papers, school projects, ceramic shapes, etc, he can state his innocence and shrug and say, "Mom probably threw it away") ,
I asked him where he thought he could keep that huge billboard and he told me of his plans on keeping it in his closet. I am hopeful that Joel will be successful in encouraging him to watch it burn outside. This time I wouldn't mind if the pyro maniac won out.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Ammon...that is so cool! I am so for the burn fest. We cannot keep everything!
