Friday, May 8, 2009


This is Joel's new favorite breakfast. He has a grilled sirloin steak, homemade hash browns, fried eggs fresh from our chickens (all smothered in salsa), and (not pictured) apple juice, fresh strawberries and grapes and sometimes I'll even make apliskievers (a Danish type of round pancake with jam) to go along. Needless to say, I don't have to make lunch whenever I make this. And yes, it hurts to run after eating even a few bites of this meal (I have tried on several occasions and it always feels like I have a rock in my stomach).
This is how happy Joel is when he is about to eat.


  1. Flake you don't deserve her. That looks yummy. my favorite breakfast is abliskivers (did I spell that at all recognizable?) too.

  2. Nice picture looks like you are about to throw a cold one back, if you know what I mean.

  3. My favorite breakfast is steel cut oats....I eat them every day. You know your breakfast is going to clog your arteries.

    love you Debbie
