Saturday, July 18, 2009

Emery's third Birthday Party

Emery had a great third Birthday party, complete with spaghetti and meatballs, two kinds of salad, homemade bread sticks and two different cakes. We had Grandma and grandpa Flake (even with his poor broken shoulder), Cassidy, Dillon, and the Kramers all in attendance.

Every time I asked Emery what kind of cake he wanted (ie. chocolate, strawberry, vanilla), he would say, "I want a Spiderman Cake" (probably because I'm always letting him check out the cakes in the deli department of Walmart while I get my lunch meat). So, I went online and found a good idea for the cake above. I was pretty fun to make and I used a lot of frosting... so it was a hit with the kids.
Emery could not figure out how to blow out the candles. He tried and tried. We all told him how to do it, but he just couldn't get it. He never opened his mouth enough.
At one point he got one of the three candles out, but it took so long that the other candles caught the third one back on fire and he had to start all over. He never did get it, so we gave Luke the opportunity, but he saw how difficult it had been for Emery, so he said 'no way.' We finally had to have all of Emery's older siblings blow out the three candles for him. Poor guy, maybe he'll figure it out next year.Savannah thought that the cake was delicious!
Jensen had a good time with the cake too, until he started rubbing black frosting all over his face.


  1. YUMMY! Really cute! I cant belive how time goes super fast. I mean, Emery is 3!! Cute cake too!

  2. What a fun party! Will you be able to out-do your cake decorating for Preston's birthday party?! I'm excited to find out, and I know Jensen is too!

  3. I love the story about blowing out the candles! Too cute:)
