Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall 2013

 There is nothing cuter than a two year old.  From the rosy red cheeks to the fat bare feet.  We all love Caroline!

 The first day of school and home school (Wesley insisted on the European soccer uniform).

   My sister, Jessica came out for a nice visit.  She brought her guns and taught the boys a lesson on gun safety and shooting.  They had a great time.  She also made great food the whole time she was here.  What a perfect guest!

 Caroline decided to turn two.  She immediately began talking full sentences and demanding to be treated just like all of her siblings.  She goes around the house singing "Twinkle twinkle...ABC" and talking on anything that can be held up to her face like a phone.

 She even got a little bunny!  Savannah got one for her Birthday too a few weeks later (but I couldn't find my camera).  "It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!" -Despicable Me

 Ammon and Preston ran cross country this year.  Ammon refused to let me take his picture while he was running.  He would always hold his hand in the way.  I did sneak this one in.  Doesn't he look awesome?!  He took 7 minutes off his best time in this race too.  I think it was because his mom and Grandpa Moore were there cheering him on.

Preston did great his first year in Cross Country.  He did wish he had been able to play football (there was no middle school team), but he ran his heart out and did great. He even earned a place on the Middle School Cross Country Wall of Best Times- 2nd overall!
 For Halloween I went as a hot devil and my husband as a trusty Gemtek Bug Killer.  We took with us one Egyptian, a gangster, Robbin Hood, a girl pirate, a sneaky black ninja, Merida from "Brave" and a little cowardly lion.  Halloween is so fun!

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